Bibliographic Study of Ayurveda Literature Published in Nepal (1987-2067 B.S.): A Tool for Saving Time and Resource to the Users

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Department of Library and Information Science
The thesis entitled“BIBLIOGRAPHIC STUDY OF AYURVEDA LITERATURE PUBLISHED IN NEPAL IN (1987- 2067 B.S.): A tool for saving time and resource to users.” By Champa Kumari Gurung is carried out with the main objectives of examining the status of annotated bibliography and maintained of a bibliography of Ayurveda Literature because many libraries have not maintained annotated bibliography. Moreover in the field of Ayurveda Literature, the work has not been done. Due to lack of annotated bibliography the library users faced various problems. The study basically investigates that the most of the modern Doctors’ attitude towards the information retrieval tools like bibliography and their idea about the information retrieve tool. Because of an important tool for information retrieval annotated bibliography is not well-developed in our libraries. On the one hand most of Doctors do not have good idea about the nature of bibliography on the other hand users are not familiarize to annotated bibliography. Total 50 questionnaires are distributed to the respondents and 48 respondents are returned fill the questionnaires. The data show that 96% of respondents are given response to the questionnaires. The respondents are doctors, doctors + teachers,teachers, officers, staffs, nurses and students (internees). The total number of respondents; doctors are 15, doctor + teachers are 8, teachers are 3, officer is only one, staffs are 7, nurses are 2 and students (internees) are 12. This research study shows that most of the doctors are responded toward the questioner for to make and maintain annotated bibliography of Ayurveda literatures and periodicals in the libraries. To find out the present scenario of annotated bibliography previous literature sare reviewed. Similarly, this study is based upon the structured question as well as the qualitative research approach. In this thesis data are presented which are taken from qualitative research techniques. Equally, 22 volumes of Ayurveda Literature and 10 Journals are commented with informative annotation by their time chronology. In the same way Librarian will try to give continuous to do the annotation bibliography in the future too. This research is organized in six chapters. Introduction and background study is in the first chapter. Statement of the problem, objectives of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significances of the study and definition of the terms and reference also fall under this chapter. The second chapter is entirely devoted to literature review which has been properly reviewed, relevant books, Journals and website, locally and internationally. Focus of the study is presented on the third chapter. The focus of the study in this research is the three Libraries sector of Kathmandu valley: Singh durbar Vadya khana Vikas Samiti Library, Ayurveda Naradevi Hospital Library, Ayurveda campus Library.Research methodology of this study is discussed in the four chapters. Research design, population of the study,sampling and data collection procedures have been presented in this chapter.Presentation and analysis of the collected data have been done presented in the fifth Chapter. Table analysis has been done on the basis of the collection data. Summary,finding, conclusion and recommendation of the research study are presented on the six chapters. Required Bibliography, Appendix, Questionnaire and curriculum Vitae are included after the six chapters.
Ayurveda Literature, Medicine