Analysis Of English Vocabulary At Grade Seven English TextBook

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Faculty of Education
This research is about analysis of vocabulary at Grade VII English textbook of Government school. The research is carried out to list, categorize and analyzed. The focus was on content words and their class and frequency. The research work found 489 words to be used textbook which belongs to different parts of speech. The researcher work as whole and unit wise using tables, pie-chart. There are discussed and analyzed. The frequency was counted unit wise. The data were presented using table and charts and then described and analyzed. Among them nouns occupied most 42.74 percentage, verbs 26.78 percentage, adjectives 17.18 percentage and adverbs 13.30 percentage. Moreover the higher frequency is found in verbs (92) followed by adverb (85) and the list is on nouns (31). This thesis consist of five chapters. Chapter one consist of general background, objectives of study, significance of study, delimitation of study etc. Chapter two deals with review of related literature and conceptual framework. Chapter three deals with methods and procedure of the study. It also includes design of the study and process of data collection. Chapter four deals with analysis and interpretation of the study. Chapter five consist of summary conclusion and implications. The remaining few pages consist of references and appendix.
Analysis, Vocabularies