Teachers’ perception on student centered techniques in teaching writing

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Department of English Educaion
This study entitled "Teachers' Perception on Student-Centered Techniques in Teaching Writing" aimed to find out the teacher's perception on student-centered techniques in teaching writing in the secondary level schools. Similarly, the other purpose was to analyze the techniques used to teaching writing and suggest some pedagogical implications. For this, the researcher selected forty different teachers of different schools of Syangja district by using judgmental sampling procedure and forty students of these schools by using random sampling procedure. The observation checklist and survey questionnaire were employed as research tools for data collection. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted by using percentage. From the study, it was found that writing exercises such as pre-writing exercises e.g. introduction to superscription, salutation, opening, body, ending and subscription in writing letters, free-writing exercises e.g. essay writing, and letter of application to the class teacher were used by the majority of the teachers. Similarly, Harmer's techniques such as ‘what are they doing’, fill in the blanks, parallel writing, description of persons, and dictation techniques were used fairly. Contrary to this, use of visual materials and communicative activities were poor and picture flower technique was rarely used. This thesis comprises five chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction of topic in which general background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research question, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational key terms are included. The second chapter deals with the review of both theoretical and empirical literature along with the implication of the review for the study. It also includes conceptual framework. The third chapter is concerned with method and procedures of the study. It includes design and method of the study, population, sample and sampling strategy, study area, data collection tools and techniques, data collection procedures and data analysis and interpretation procedures. The fourth chapter includes the interpretation and analysis of result along with summary of findings. Conclusions and recommendations are given in the fifth chapter. Moreover, it suggests some pedagogical implications for policy level, practice level and further study. This chapter is followed by references and appendices used for the study