Strategies of teaching stories at secondary level

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Department of English Education
This thesis entitled"Strategies of Teaching Stories at Secondary Level“was carried out to find out the strategies adopted in teaching stories by Secondary Level English teachers as well as find out the problems faced by them in teaching stories. To fulfill the objectives of the study, two sets of close ended questionnaire were administered to the twenty secondary level English teachers from fifteen different schools of Morang district. After analyzing the data it was found that all of the teachers in the study are a started teaching stories by telling the background information of the author of the story. They viewed that describing the title of the story is effective way to make students fully understand the story. They gave high priority to the introduction of the characters before starting the story. Majority of the teachers showed the video of the related story before starting the story. This study consists of five chapters. The first chapter consists of introduction,statement of the problem, significance of the study, objectives of the study, research questions and delimitations of the study. The second chapter consists of review of related theoretical literature, review of related empirical literature and conceptual framework. The third chapter deals with design of the study, population and sample,sampling procedure, data collection tools, data collection procedure and data analysis and interpretation procedure. The fourth chapter deals with results and discussions. It is the real research chapter which includes findings of analyzed data. The fifth chapter deals with conclusions and recommendation in policy level, practice level and further research followed by references and appendices.As per my research it concludes that showing video is one of the best ways to teach stories at secondary level students.