Learning Strategies Used by Maithili Learners of English at Secondary Level

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Department of English Education
The proposed study is intended to discover the learning strategiesused by Secondary Level Maithili learners to learn vocabulary andreading skill. For this, data has been collected from hundred Maithililearners of English from grades 9 and 10 of five government secondaryschools of Siraha district through questionnaire, interview and class-observation. On the basis of the collecteddata, the strategiesemployedby the students were determined using simple statistical tools such aspercentage and mean weightage. It is expected that the findings of thisstudy will be of immense importance for those who are directly orindirectly involved in the field ofELT in Nepal. The proposed study has been divided into four chapters.Chapter one encompasses general background, review of related literature, objectives of the study, significant of the study and definitionof specific terms. Chapter two deals with methodology. It incorporates sources ofdata, population of the study, sample population, tools for data collection,process of data collection, limitation of the study and procedures for dataanalysis. Chapter three encompasses analysis and interpretationof data. Thedata has been analyzed and interpreted on the basis of the meanweightage and percentage. Separate analysis and interpretation ofstrategies employed in learning vocabulary and in learning reading skill atsecondary level have been also given. Chapter four includes summary, findings, implications andrecommendations. With the help of analysis and interpretation, somefindings have been drawn. The appendices and references are given in the final part of the thesis.