Proficiency of the Students in Guided Writing

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Department of English Education
This study attempts to identify and explain the proficiency of thePCL first year students in guided writing. For this study 60PCL first yearstudents studying in the Faculty of Education and Humanities and Social Sciences were selected. In order to collect relevant data, a set of test itemswas administered to the students. The data was analyzed and findingswerelisted. The major findings of this study were that the writing proficiencyof the PCL first year students was found satisfactory. Most of the studentswere above average. Students obtained more marks in parallel writingthan other types of guided writing. The present thesis has been divided into four chapters.Chapter onepresents the general background of the study, dealing with language,languageskills, writing, importance,components,characteristics,stages,guidedwriting, review of related literature,objectives and significance ofthe study. Chapter two deals with the methodology adopted in the study thatincludes the sources of data, sampling procedure, tools for datacollection, processes of data collection and limitationsofstudy. Chapter three deals with the analysis and interpretationof the datasuch as faculty wise, sexwise and item wise analysis etc. Chapter four presents the summary of the findings and somerecommendations made on the basis of analysis and interpretation. An extensive list of the appendices and the references has beengiven.