Teaching Tense through Discovery Technique

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Central Department of Education English
This thesis is an effort to find out the effectiveness of teaching tense throughdiscovery technique. It has been carried out practically. Thirty students studying ingrade nine from Shree Pashupati Adarsh Higher Secondary School Lahan were thesample population for this work. Before starting the class, the students were pre-tested to determine their proficiency level in tense. After analyzing the scores ofpre-test, real teaching was started and progress test was administered in the intervalof seven days.After teaching for 20 days, the post-test was undertaken using thesame pre-test items. The results of pre-test, progress test and post test wereanalysed to determine the effectiveness of discovery technique in teaching tense.The findings of this studyshow that teaching tense through discovery technique iseffective. The thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter deals with generalbackground of the study, review of the related literature, objectives andsignificance of the study. The second chapter includes the sources of data,population of the study, sampling procedure, tools for data collection, process ofdata collection and limitations of the study. The third chapter deals with theanalysis and interpretation of data which has been done on the basis of differencesamong the average score in percentage inpre-test, progress test and post test.Chapter four includes the findings and recommendations with the help of analysisand interpretation. Final part of the thesis contains references and appendices.