Use of Visual Materials in English Teaching and Learning at Secondary Level

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Department of English Education
The present research entitled Use of Visual Materials in English Teaching and Learning at Secondary Level aims at finding out the uses of visual materials in English language teaching and learning process at secondary level and finding out the perceptions and practices of teachers and students regarding the use of visual materials in English language teaching. In order to do so, the researcher collected the data from secondary English teachers and secondary students ( 9 and 10) of Kathmandu district. Only eight secondary English teachers, forty secondary students were selected. The researcher collected the data by distributing the closed ended questionnaire to the respondents, took interview to respondents and classes were observed using checklist. It was found that both the teachers and the students showed favorable attitude towards the use of visual materials agreeing that it facilitated language teaching and learning in various ways. Both students and teachers perceived visual materials as positive and important. The use of visual aids provides the learner extended language exposure to the learners for better ideas in the target language culture. The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one deals with background of the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study, operational definition of the key terms. Chapter two deals with review of related theoretical literature, concept and importance of visual materials, types of visual materials, uses of visual materials, existing policies on the provision of visual aid in Nepal, practices of visual materials, advantages of visual materials, disadvantages of visual materials, review of related/ empirical literature, implication of the review for the study, conceptual framework. Chapter three includes research design, population, sample and sampling strategy, research tools, sources of data, data collection procedures, data collection procedures, ethical considerations. Chapter four includes analysis and interpretation of result, analysis of the data derived from the objectives questionnaire to the students, perception of students regarding visual materials, uses of visual materials in the classroom, practices of visual materials in the classroom, motivation through visual materials, advantages of visual materials, disadvantages of visual materials, analysis of class observation, chapter Summary. Chapter five includes findings, conclusion, recommendation, policy related, practice related, further research related issues.