Women’s Constricated Space in Lawrence’s "The Rocking Horse Winner" and "Odour of Chrysanthemums"

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Department of English
Utilizing the concept of modernity and gender conceptualized by Bonnie Kim Scott and byJanet Wolff, this research project concentrates upon the difficulties and crises upon female characters in D.H .Lawrence’s selected short stories:"The Rocking Horse Winner"and"Odour of Chrysanthemums". Most of the female characters in these stories are deviated from their individual identity due to their quest for freedom, justice and material prosperity from modern society. Lawrence is not sincere towards female characters . Hester and Mrs. Bates do not have appropriate space and credit for their effortto crossthe traditional gender boundaries.Modernity promises about education, development, and betterment of humanity. However, modernity deteriorates female charactersin the level of puppet despite enlightening them. Key Words: Modernity, Gender, Flenuer, Flenuese, Patriarchy, Commodification