Reversal of Conventional Gender Roles in MarkusZusak’sTheBookThief

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Central Department of English
Most of the characters fromTheBookThiefbyMarkusZusakbehave different form of gender role practiced conventionally. In conventional gender roles, men are assigned the role of master, decision maker of the house and women as a caregiver, nurturer. But inthe text, wecan see the reversal of gender roles. The writer gives masculine characteristics to the female and feminine characteristics to the male. Because of the Second World War females have to look after the house. Women become the head of the family and come contact with the outer world. Male starts to perform feminine roles because he lacks power in the critical time.TheBook Thiefby Markus Zusak is seen from the perspective of gender studies of Judith Butler, Judith Halberstam,Cora Kaplan and David Glovertell us about the changes take place in gender roles. Keywords: Gender, Holocaust, Masculinity, Feminity, Conventional Gender Roles