Representation of Chuck as a National Allegory in H.M. Naqvi's Home Boy

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Department of English
Representation of Chuckas a National Allegory in H.M Naqvi's Home Boy The novel,Home Boy by H.M Naqvi, tells the story of Pakistanimen who migrate to America to fulfill their dream of freedom and prosperity. The novel is set during tragic event of 9/11 terrorist attack on USA and in volves the after math faced by Muslim citizens with no stalgic autobiographical representation of past, in form of sharing memories hugely associated with Pakistan. The concept of ‘home’ is highly stressed in the novel. The title Home Boy itself contradicts regularly in the text. The space between the character's present and his home is maintained by association of his home and home land memories.So, the research investigates Chuck's role in the formation of the meaning of the textin light of Fredric Jameson's theory of allegory and ideology. Naqviin his novelusesChuckasnational allegoryto represent the various elements experienced by immigrants away from their home land and to put forth the American response to the 9/11 event. He uses memories and nostalgic representation of past associated with the homeland of experiencing agent to deploy the meaning. Most common elements represented are hardships, fear, suppression, racism, stereotyping, inequalities,issues of identity andinhumane treatment suffered by the immigrants. Keywords: National Allegory, Representation, Agency, Immigrant, Stereotyping, 9/11