Multiple Translations of Devkota's Poem 'Pagal'

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Department of English
This thesis entitled“Multiple Translations of Devkota’s Poem Pagal” is anapt attempt to find out the cultural terms used in this poem, to identify the effective techniques of translation of the cultural terms and to find out the frequency of the different techniques in the light of their strengths and weaknesses.The required data were collected only from secondary sources.The original version of the poem ‘Pagal’ and its four multiple translated versions in English were selected for the study.Observation was the only tool for data collection. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted in different ways.Seventy seven cultural terms were found in the original version of the poem.These terms were grouped into four cultural categories: ecological cultural, material cultural, religious culture, and social cultural. Twelve different techniques of translations of cultural terms were found in this study.Among them, literal translation was found the most widely used technique. This thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter one is the introduction to the study under which general background, review of the related literature,objectives of the study, significance of the study, definition of the terms,symbols and abbreviations are included. The second chapter is the methodology of the study. This is the chapter which includes sources of data,sampling procedure, process of data collection and limitations of the study.Similarly, chapter three analyses, interprets and presents the data. The last chapter, chapter four, presents the findings and some pedagogical implications that are drawn by the researcher.