Techniques of Teaching Poetry at Secondary Level
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Faculty of English Education
This study entitled "Techniques of Teaching Poetry at Secondary Level" is an attempt
to find out the techniques employed in teaching poetry. This research aims to identify
the factors affecting the selection of the techniques. The researcher collected the data
from both primary and secondary sources. Twenty classes of 20 English language
teachers teaching poetry at secondary level schools of Itahari sub metropolitan city
were selected using a non-random judgmental sampling procedure and observed by
using class observation checklist. Likewise a set of questions were asked to the
secondary level English teachers who have been teaching at different 20 schools in
Itahari sub-metropolitan city. Through the research it was found that the teachers
teaching at secondary level in Itahari sub metropolitan city used teacher centered
techniques more than student centered techniques. It was also found that description,
drawing background, reading aloud, translation, recitation, memorization,
demonstration, summarization, discussion, comprehension, lecturing, investigation,
integrating Ed. Tech, group work, pair work, etc are the techniques used by the
teachers teaching at secondary level in Itahari sub-metropolitan city. The research
found that description technique was used by most of the teachers while thematic
description, memorization, drawing background, and summarization techniques were
used by least number of the teachers. Similarly different factors such as format of the
question asked in examination, classroom setting, students' background knowledge
and cultural background, time, material, resources and the nature of the poem are
responsible to select the techniques while teaching poetry at secondary level.
This study consists of five chapters. Chapter one deals with the general background,
problems, objectives, research questions, significance, and operational definition of
the key terms and delimitations of the study. Chapter two deals with the review of
theoretical and empirical literature, implications of the review and conceptual
framework. Chapter three includes methods and procedures including design,
population and sample and data collection tools. Chapter four entails results and
discussion of the data and chapter five includes summary, Conclusion,
recommendations and pedagogical implications of the study followed by references
and appendices.
Teaching poetry, Learning techniques