A Semantic Analysis of English and Nepali Verbs

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Department of English Education
This studydeals with the semantic analysis of some English andNepali verbs. These verbs were collected through the unstructuredinterviews with ten English native speakerswho were available in Nepal.Ten Nepali native speakers working in different academic fieldswere alsointerviewed toconfirm andverify the intuition of the researcher himself forthe collection of Nepali verbs. The main findings of this research study is there is inherentdifferences in semantic systems of English and Nepali verbs .It has beenfound that the Nepali verbs and English verbs do not have semanticequivalence or one to one correlation in most of the cases. So, attentionmust be given in teaching/learning of these areas where there aredifferences. The work has been divided into four chapters in whichchapter one includesintroduction, reviewof the related literature, significanceof the study anddefinitions of the related terms. Chapter two includes methodology inwhich the sources of data, tools and procedures of data collection andlimitationsof the study are discussed. Chapter three includes theanalysisand interpretation of English and Nepali verbs related to the verbs.Chapter-four includesthefindings and recommendation of the study.