Impact Of home Environment On Mathematics Achievement Of Girl Student

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Department of Mathematics Education
The study entitled Impact of“Home Environment on Mathematics Achievement of Girl Students”is based on quantitative approach. The objectives of the study were to find the effect of home environment on the mathematics achievement of girl students and to find out the relationship between girls achievement in mathematics and family related factors.Questionnaire and mathematics achievement score were used to collect data. The home environmental factors consisted on12 parts such as father’s occupation, mother’s occupation, father’s education, mother’s education,father’s income, mother’s income,number of family member, study materials, study room, study time, household workload and parent’s behaviour. The questionnaire consisting 38 statements which was distributed 135students and were requested to fill it.The Standard Multiple regression were calculated to fulfill the first objective and Pearson’s Correlation coefficient were calculated to fulfill second objective. The finding of the study shows that home environmental factors affection achievement of students. Father’s occupation affected 24.9%, study time affected 22.7%, study materials at home affected 15.1%, household work load affected 12.8%, mother’s education affected 11.7%, father’s income affected 8%, study room affected 8.2% and parent’s behaviour affected 6.1%on achievement of students.Father’s education,number of family member,mother’s income and mother’s occupation are low affected factors on their achievement. Among all factors father’s occupation, mother’s education, reading materials at home, study room, study time, father’s income, household workload and parent’s behaviour have great effects and high relation in girl mathematics achievement.