Collaborative Learning for the Development of Vocabulary

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Faculty of Education
This research work entitled Collaborative Learning for the Development of Vocabulary has been carried out to find out the attitude of Secondary level students towards collaborative learning and school environment available to them for learning and practicing collaboratively, The research is carried out considering the significance of the practice of collaborative learning for the development of vocabulary in secondary level. The primary data were collected from the forty private school secondary level students and ten English language teachers from Pokhara Valley selected by using the non- random judgmental sampling procedure. The data obtained from the respondents through the questionnaire has been analyzed and interpreted using simple statistical tools. The study shows that ninety five percent of secondary level students have positive attitude towards collaborative learning and sixty percentages of them are provided with a supportive and favorable environment for collaborative learning with in their institutions. This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapter One deals with general introduction, review of the related literature, objectives of the study and significance of the study. In which general characteristics of the research topic is mentioned. The unpublished theses which re partially related to this topic are also reviewed. In this chapter the objectives of research and significance of the research are also clearly mentioned. Chapter Two deals with procedure adopted to carry out the research. In this chapter how data are collected, what is the total population taken for those information, what are the various sampling procedures, what different tools are applied with the vrous processes for collection of required data are mentioned. It contains information on the sources of data, population of study, sampling procedure, tools, process of data collection and limitations of study. Chapter Three consists of analysis and interpretation of data. In this chapter the collected data are analyzed and interpreted clearly by applying various tables, figures and diagrams. Chapter Four deals with major findings of the study on the basis of the analysis and interpretation of the collected data. It also concern with some recommendations made being based on the major findings of the study. Finally, Chapter Four is followed by the references and appendices.