Family Planning Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Among Males (A Case Study of Sakhuwa Prasauni VDC Parsa)

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Department of Population Studies
The data for this thesis entitled "Family Planning Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among Males in Sakhuwa Prasauni VDC, Parsa" is mainly derived from primary data collected from a sample of 80 households comprising of 105 respondents.The student adhered to personal interviews to collect the information. Data generated from the field survey was analyzed based on Number distribution and bivariate cross-tabulation analyses. The main objectives of the study are knowledge, attitude and practices of family planning among males:to identify the source of male contraceptives of family planning. Information on knowledge of specific method was collected from eight modern family planning methods, among them two major male family planning methods are described in this study. This study concludes that the knowledge and current use of male family planning method is high among the ages 25-29.Similarly the knowledge of condom is 100% in all ages. The study also indicates that 76.0% used condom and 39.7% using condom at first time in 23-24 ages. Similarly, 15.9% experienced problem using condom. The study also indicates that 90.5% male use condom on their partner's fertile days. So far as source of male contraceptives is concerned, it is found that 96.2%male heard contraceptive methods by friends and 66.7% male obtain condom from health post. The study also indicates that 100% male have knowledged about male sterilization but nobody getting sterilized and 84.7% says operation is bad's for man health. Similarly, 78.1% male agree that condom reduce man's pleasure and 75.2% men agree that use family planning methods it should be decided by interaction between spouses.