Dalit students' participation in ELT classroom: A case of Shahidbhumi rural municipality

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Department of English Education
This study entitled Dalit Students' Participation in ELT Classroom: A Case of Shahidbhumi Rural Municipality aimed at finding out the performance of Dalit students and identify the challenges faced by the Dalit students at secondary level. Keeping the objective in consideration, all Dalit students studying in three different secondary level schools of Shahidbhumi as the population, however only 33 Dalit students were included using convenance sampling. The study adopted survey as a design and set of questionnaireswas used as the tool of data collection. After the analysis and interpretation of raw data, it was found that theperformance and access of Dalit students wassatisfactory. This study showed that Dalit students faced several challenges such as caste-based discrimination, poor family background which psychologically as well as physically affected in their learning English. Because of those challenges they had poor performance in English. It was also found that there was the close relationship between family background and English language learning. This study concludes that extra opportunities for learning and awareness programs should be conducted to enhance Dalit students access and performance. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is introductory part which includes background of the study, statement of the problem, rational of the study, objectives of the study, research questions, delimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. Similarly, chapter two includes the review of the related theoretical literature, review of related empirical literature, conceptual Farmwork, implications of the review for the research. Similarly, chapter three deals with methods and procedures of the study under which design and method of the study, population, sample and sampling strategy, study area, data collection tools and techniques, data collection procedures, analysis, interpretation procedures and ethical consideration. Likewise, chapter four includes analysis and interpretation of results and discussion of research. In the same way, chapter five includes conclusions and implication. Recommendation includes; policy, practice and further research related areas. Finally, the references and appendices are included.  