Orange Production and Marketing (A Case Study of Thumki Vdc of Kaski District)

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Department of Rural Development
This study entitled "Orange Production and Marketing [A case study of Thumki VDC of Kaski District]'' has been carried partial fulfilment for the degree of Master of Arts in Rural Development. This study is based on both primary and secondary data.ThePrimary data have been collected from Thumki VDC of Kaski district by applying simple random sampling method in year 2066.The secondary data have been used in the back ground of the study to know the production and marketing situation of district and national level. Altogether 835, 50 households have been selected for interviewing from each ward. This study has been done to find out the production and marketing situation, price situation of orange, and to identify the problems faced by orange producers. For the analysis of data, measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion have been used. It is found that the total production, average production and productivity of are 240 M.T, 4.8 M.T and 8 MT/Ha respectively. Similarly, the total income and average income of per household are 33, 40, 000 and Rs 66,800 respectively. The farmer's average annual expenditure of household is Rs 8,700.The profit percentage is 86.97.And 48 %farmers of sample size sell their orange on contract basis in their house. The average price of orange has been received by the producer is Rs 13.91 per kilogram due to the broker's exploitation. Hence the marketing situation is poor than the production situation of orange in Thumki VDC. The farmers are suggested by the researcher, irrigation facility is so weak in the study area so there should be development of irrigation facility. 6 The DADO Kaski is suggested to identify the diseases and treat them, to soil, to provide training to the farmers. The ADB is suggested to provide cheap loan facility. The government is suggested to ban the import of fruits from India, to control broker's activities, to manage fruits insurance facility through ADB to promote private public