Fictionalization of History in Stephen Chobsky’s The Perks of Being a Wallflower

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Department of English
Presentresearch efforts to search the fictional natureofhistory utilizing the newhistoricism as conceptualized by Michel Focault and Stephen Grenblat.This research casts light on how history is discursive and constructed phenomenonin Chobsky'snovelThePerks of Being Wallflower.This research probes into the unreliable character Charlie, one-eyed Jew living In America. He narrates the incidents in broken English with several discontinuities. Charliepresents a dreary, hellishpicture of America of the early 1990s.However, he withdraws his own narration in the course of novel. He even claims that he is not sure about the incidents happened in his life because he is suffering from mentalillness. Throughout the unreliable narrative of Charlie, Chobsky deconstructs the traditional notion of history as the matter of facts and he claims that history is the matter of fabricated power politics. Keywords:History, Discourse, Fictionalization, Knowledge, Perspective, Truth, Holocaust