Discourse Analysis On‘The Martyr’

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Faculty of Education
This study Discourse Analysis on ‘The Martyr’ aims to analyze the cohesive andcoherence devices used in the story,‘The Martyr’.To make the unified and logicallyorganized language, cohesive devices and coherence play significant role. Consideringthis fact. I selected a story entitled ‘The Martyr” written by Vishnu S. Rai to carry outthis study. The objectives of the study were to find out the roles of cohesive devices andunderstanding the coherence roles for making the perfect combination between sentencesin the story. To carry out the research work, Icollected the necessary data from differentreliable sources like relatedbooks on discourse analysis, research work done in the fieldofit, views and notes of various scholars searched from websites. In course of identifyingthe cohesive devices andcoherence roles and analyzing them in the story, the whole storyhas been divided into 27 paragraphs and 187 sentences. Each cohesive device andcoherence role has been presented in tabulation form and pronouns prepositions,conjunctions, determiners, adverbs, nouns, interjections are the cohesive devices used inthe story. Similarly, sequential, situational, question-answer, cause-effect, clarification,rephrasing etc are the coherence role used in to story. Suchuse of cohesive devices andcoherence role hasmade the story unified and meaningful. This thesis work consists of five chapters in total. Chapter one consists of generalbackground, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, research questions,significance of the study and delimitation of the study. Chapter two deals with theliteraturereview. Similarly, the third chapter contains design of the study, data collectiontools and procedures and data analysis and interpretation produce. Then in the fourthchapter the whole story has been analyzed and interpreted. Each sentence of eachparagraph has been numbered and cohesive devices and coherence roles have beentabulated dividing them into 54 tables. For easy analysis and interpretation, some of thetables have been contracted and detailed tables have been presented in appendices. Thefifth chapter, the final one, consists of summary, conclusion and implication. At the end,reference and appendices are presented.