Tense-Aspect Systems in English and Yakkha Languages

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Department of English Education
The present thesis entitled “Tense-Aspect Systems in English and Yakkha Languages” aimedto find out the tense-aspect system in the Yakkha language and compare and contrast thissystem with thatof theEnglishlanguageto find out the similarities and differences betweenthem. For the information of the Yakkha tense-aspect system, data were collected from 80Yakkha native speakers living in Bodhe VDC of Dhankuta district. Eighty Yakkha nativespeakers were selected using nonrandom,quota sampling procedure. Andfor the informationregarding the English tense-aspect system, someauthentic books were consulted as secondarysources. Interview schedule consisting of 207 questions was the main research tool for thisstudy. In this research, findings were derived through intensive study, analysis andinterpretation of the data collected. Findings showed that two way tense division: past andnon-past is also possible in the Yakkha languageas in the English language. Both the Englishand Yakkha languages code the perfect and progressive aspects in all the tenses: past, present,and future. ButYakkha makes elaborative use of verbal agreement markers in comparison toEnglish. This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapter one is an introductory chapter. It includesgeneral background, objectives of the study, the reviewof the related literature, significanceof the study, and the definitions of the specific terms. Chapter two includes the methodologyadapted to carry out the research, under which sources of data,sample, sampling procedure,tools for data collection, process of data collection,and limitationsof the study arementioned. The third chapter deals with analysis and interpretation of the data. The fourthchapter is for findings and recommendations of the study. Findings are derived from theanalysis and interpretation ofthe data carried out in the chapter three. And recommendationsare made on the basis of the findings. References and appendices follow the fourth chapter.