Students’ Perception on The Use of Online Resources

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Department of English Education
The present study is entitled “Students’ Perception on the Use of Online-Resources”.The main objective of this research was to find out the students’perception on the use of online resources in terms of (Websites, G-mail, E-book, Blogs and face book).Forty students from four +2 colleges were selected using non-random judge mental sampling procedure. They were given questionnaire for data collection. I analyzed and interpreted data collected through questionnaires by using simple statistical tools to present the result.The major finding of the study was that majority of the students have positive perception on the use of online resources. Out of 40 students, 32 i.e.80%students preferred online resources apart from the textbook for their academic development. This research work consists of five chapters.Chapter one is an introductory one which includes general background,statement of the problems, objectives,research questions,significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. Chapter two is are view of related literature and conceptual framework. It includes review of theoretical literature,empirical literature, implication and conceptual framework. Chapter three deal with methodology which includes the design and method of the study,population,sample and sampling strategy, tools and process of data collection.Chapter four consists of analysis and interpretation of data and Findings.Chapter five consists of conclusion and recommendations of the study which is followed by references and appendices.