A Study on Kham Magar and English Kinship Terms

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Central department of English Education
This study entitled A Study on Kham Magar and English Kinship Terms is aimed to find out the English and Kham Magar kinship terms used to refer to various kinship relations, to compare and contrast English and Kham Magar kinship terms and to suggest some pedagogical implications on the basis of findings. To accomplish the objectives of the study, 50 Kham Magar native speakers were selected from Khalanga VDC of Rukum district. To generate relevant data, the questionnaire was chosen as the research tool. An interview schedule was used to collect Kham Magar kinship terms following the purposive sampling procedure. It took two week’s time duration. The researcher collected data using unstructured interviews. The majority of respondents were aged, illiterate, both male and female. Similarly, the sources of data for the kinship terms of the English language were based on the previous researches and different related books. Then, the researcher analyzed and interpreted them by using the statistical tools. The researcher has used charts and tables for data presentation. The findings of the study show that the kinship terms of English and Kham Magar languages are remarkably different in the aspects like numbers of kinship terms, inherent correspondence, titles across generations, use of paternal and maternal as well as elder and younger concepts. This thesis is divided into four chapters and other sub chapters. Chapter one deals with general background, review of related literature, objectives of the study and significance of the study. Similarly, chapter two is related to methodology adopted for the study. It encompasses sources of data, population of the study, research tools, and processes of data collection and limitations of the study. Chapter three presents an analysis and interpretation of the data. In this chapter, data are analyzed and interpreted through statistical tools like tabulation and through descriptive approach. Chapter four presents the findings and recommendations based on analysis and interpretation of the data.
Linguistic, kinship terms, Kham Magar, English Language