Prospects of Developing Village Tourism in Palpa District: A Case Study of Madanpokhara VDC

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Department of Rural Development
The thesis entitled “Prospects of Developing Village Tourism in Palpa District: A Case Study of Madanpokhara VDC” was prepared to highlight the potentatlity of village tourism in Madanpokhara VDC, the first model village of Nepal, which lies in Palpa district of Lumbini Zone. Multi culture nature and impact of tourism are seen on every facets of human life. Now, Tourism has become one of the interesting and new businesses in which natural beauties, human creations and constructions play a vital role. Only natural beauties are not enough to attract tourist but also facilities, security, accessibility are also most important factors. Madanpokhara is a prosperous village near Tansen, of panoramic hill town of Nepal. This beautiful valley has cultural and religious values. There are several attractive human creation and construction to attract the flow of tourist. Hence, the present research work was prepared with the objective of identifying the prospects of developing village tourism in Madanpokhara, to identify facilities available for village tourism, assess the tourism product available in the study area to attract tourist. It is mainly based on primary data, collected using questionnaire to the key informants direct observation with the general objective to analyze the prospects of developing village tourism. For this study, by applying random sampling method ,10 local people, 18 Nepalese tourists, 2 Hotel Owners and 10 Government service holders were selected for the key informants interview. The collected data were tabulated and analyzed by applying stastical tools. Based on the study, it is found that Madanpokhara VDC has high potentialities of village tourism especially in eco-tourism, cultural tourism and religious tourism. Most of people depend on traditional agriculture system for their livelihoods. But only the organic feeding of local products for visitors is very good. There is no availability of accurate official data and records of the tourist visit in tourist information centre. So it is necessary to keep the records in systematic manner so that the future tourism plan will be succeeded effectively. The present basic infrastructure such as accommodation, communication, drinking water supply, health services, electricity and transportation need to be upgraded as per the pace of time and demand of the tourist.