Ambivalent Female Identity in Shashi Deshpande’sThe Dark Holds No Terrors

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Department of English
Problems of the adjustment and conflictin the minds of protagonists who ultimately compromise withthe traditional ruleseven as theyasserttheir individuality are the most dominant issues throughout Deshpande’s novels andThe Dark Holds No Terrors isno exception. The protagonist of the novelSaritapresents herself as a woman who wants toundergo self-quest and befree from the restrictions imposed by society, culture and nature. Her search for release from the constraints of the tradition-bound institution of marriagemakes her realize that complete autonomy is hard to achieve. The perception of the predicament of the human existence of alienation and isolation makes hercome to termswith society. Hence,the tension between compliance and rebellioncreatesan ambivalent position on part of the protagonist. This position of ambivalence fromwhich Sarita wants to come outis resolved as she learns to trust her feminine self. Theexpression of the assertion of her individuality, her willingnessto confront reality and not to run away from it displays courage,commitment to herself,and an affirmation of life and society.