Mitigating Climate Change Effects on Livelihood Through Co-Operatives: Building A Case of Nepal

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Faculty of Economics
Climate change is hitting hard t he countries wit h poor and weak economies. Most developing countries and the poor have be e n most vulnerable as they depend on climate sensitive sectors like agriculture. The process of adaptation is always cons trained by the institutional, social, economic, and political environment in which people must operate. The climate change has brought complexities and more challenges in the developing world including Nepal. These issues have made careful engagement o f multiple decision maker s in t he development and implementation of adaptation strategies. The statement of t he problem was devised as the extent o f impacts of climate change in sustainable livelihood and response through cooperative movement including vulnerable groups like poor, marginalized, Dalit and excluded people. The purpose of t he study was thus to assess the current trend o f climate change, resulting impact on livelihood and impacts o f co-operative movement toward s sustainable life. The literature review was carried out making the thematic review, theoretical review, and contemporary research studies. The review was concluded by making conceptual model of conceptual framework for t he purpose o f t he stud y. This study was exploratory c um descriptive research based on qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The validity o f this research was enhanced by the extensive and participatory nature of the investigations. The reliability o f t he stud y was ensured w it h multiple source of evidence, which leads to triangulation of data, the detailed, rich and thick descriptions o f t he researcher’ s ow n assumptions and position in t he study, and ultimate conclusions.
Climate change, Livelihood, Chemical fertilizer