Perceptions Towards mobile Assisted Language Learning at secondary Level

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Faculty of Education
The potential of mobile phone as a deviceof MobileAssisted Language Learning (MALL) has huge significance for enhancing the better language learning environment. Thus, the present study entitled“Perceptions towards Mobile Assisted Language Learningat Secondary level”.was toexplorethe perceptionsof studentson MALL, specificallymobile phones, asausefultool tolearn the English language and howsecondary level (+2) students use mobile phone in language learning. To meet the objectives of the research, the35 informantsand5teacherswere selected using convenient non-random sampling from secondary level (+2) only 35 students of +2 and 5 Englishteachers of Jana Jagriti Secondary School.A questionnaire consisting of both close-ended and open-ended questions wasused as a data collection tool. The data were analyzed and interpreted descriptively and statistically. The result of thestudyrevealedthatalmost all (90%)the students have positive attitudesonMobile Assisted Language Learning. Similarly,maximumstudentsand teachers usedmobile phone as a device of MALLtolearn different aspects and skills oftheEnglish language like vocabulary,pronunciation, grammar, listening and reading. The present study consists of five main chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction of the studyalong with the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, researchquestions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of key terms. The second chapter contains the review of related literature andconceptualframework. Similarly, the third chapterincludes methods and procedures of the study. Likewise, the fourth chapterdealsthe analysis and interpretation of the data. Finally, chapter five comprises thefindings, conclusionandrecommendationin policyrelated, practicerelatedand further researches. At the end, the references and appendices are included.