Human Resilience: A Coping Mechanism in Yann Martel’s Life of Pi

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Central Departmental of English
This research work tries to analyze and interpret the role of Pi’s continual psychological struggle between religion and reality for his survival by exercising his internal and external judgment of knowledge through experiences in Yann Martel’s Life of Pi. This existing knowledge and his experiences throughout his journey help him in his personal growth and adaptive nature. Therefore, this study unravels the fact that resiliency is not a trait but rather a skill that is gained through continuous experiences and patience. Hence, the religious belief that results in resilience is a kind of coping mechanism process to overcome problem. Thus, the role of religious beliefs can help contribute to the knowledge and decision making practically. For the evidence, Pi faces many challenges in the world of nature after the shipwreck and develops a kind of internal strength that helps him to control himself as well as Richard Parker and by coping with the ferocious nature through resilience---trains the tiger, transforms from vegetarian to non-vegetarian, explores different strategies for his survival and deals his inner self. Pi’s determination and commitment to save his life that shows his resiliency skills through learned and improved practice of living the life in Pacific Ocean. Key Words:resilience, survival, companionship, power, knowing.