Activities Used in Teaching Poetry

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The present study entitled 'Activities used in teaching poetry', is an attempt to explore the activities used while teaching poetry in 'New Generation English'. The study also aims to find out the students' perception on the activities employed. The study is based on both primary and secondary sources of data. The primary sources of data were teachers and students from B.Ed. first year in eight colleges of Kathmandu district. While undergoing research, the researcher used the non-probability sampling procedure to sample the population. Eight B.Ed. colleges of Kathmandu district were selected on the basis of judgmental sampling. The researcher finds various activities like, pre-reading activities, while reading activities and post-reading activities are being used while teaching poetry in 'New Generation English'. The researcher also finds the students' perception on the activities employed. Majority of the students are found to be satisfied with pre-reading activities performed by their teachers whereas they are found not to be satisfied with while-reading activities and post-reading activities. This study incorporates four main chapters and other many sub-chapters. The first chapter deals with the general background of the study, review of the related literature, objectives and significance of the study. The second chapter consists of the methodology, data gathering procedure, and limitations of the study. Similarly, the third chapter induces the analysis and interpretation of data. In the same way, the fourth chapter presents findings and recommendations based on the analysis and interpretation of the collected data. The final parts of the study consists of references and appendices.