People’s Participation in Community Based Organizations (A Case Study of Kolhuwa VDC of Nawalparasi District)

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Department of Rural Development
Human civilization spends most of flora and sfauna since it evolution periods. Some abundance and some time secretion of requirement holds on different time. To achieve this type of civilization human faced different kinds of problems, this always give new idea of solution such a result making the opportunity to invent new equipment for their utilization, we may take people’s participation consider one of mile stone towards community development. What ever the geographical location, cultural and historical stage of development of asociety, basic necessity of life, self respect and freedom are at least three basic elements whichare considered to continue the ‘true’ meaning of rural development.The universally acceptedconcept applied to national development programs, particularly on developing countriesfocusing on the primary needs through community development. The main objectivity of thecommunity development program is to build up society through improving educational standard, providing balance and hygienic food, pure drinking water, increasing political awareness, making access towards communication, technology, transportation etc, are improving the quality of local life. People’s participation simply meaning to willing and voluntary participation by all class/or group of population. It have common and cooperative venture. It may have spontaneous or induced but certainly not ‘coerced’. Most commonly people participation holding relatively debatable on any subject. This debate makes to all participate to give all individual view, the synergic form of decision will be considered most applicable and efficiency.The most important factors i.e. equal sharing profit or losses of any event often pursuit all people participate equally on public concern subject. Here, common people are not of tenconsulting in the planning or program formulation and fixing of priorities. Due to these factors now a day the basic concept of people participation confined only in term of physical donation it means, a innocent and seldom person often involves on voluntary labor contribution tot he rural construction works that mostly beneficial to rural life. Theory of participation, to start with, has at least two dimensional i.e. participation in political dimension and participation in socio-economic dimension. This theory regards ademocratic government as the identically best policy that can nourish popular participation institution. To make participatory process self-sustain, there is yet another equal important aspect which is the existence of the representative institutions but this is at the national levelalone is not sufficient for participation democracy, The formal such institution at a local levelalso most importance. A question may arisen under-development countries likes Nepal what is the basic rootofdevelopment? To answering such questions one should not forget the rural life of such countries, though the definition of development may vary as per required of public concern and v geographical location, but no one disagree to until and unless increasing people’s participation level the aim of development never successes developing countries Nepal. The objectivity of this study is to measure the level of people participation on localactivities and explore the possibilities of motivation and inhibitor factors for people participation. The researcher had under goes in literature review through many literatures such as journal, dissertation, books and reports. It was found that socio-economic and demographic characteristic i.e. family income, occupation, age, culture, gender, education and ethnicity affectdirectly or indirectly on situation of people participation is never ending process because there is no any definite level development. The study was descriptive type mainly based on primary data. Questionnaire for the interview schedule was the main tool used to generate the required in formation. Similarly, key informants, interview, group discussion and spot observation methods were also carried out for generating the information for the research work. Total 45respondents were randomly selected out of1796universalsize for interview, five key informants and two group discussions has been scheduled. However the education status of country is very poor, nearly 58% of the people are literate on Kolhuwa VDC. The study concluded that the majority of the population was from medium class of family in respect of income, education and occupation; people are fully involved on agricultural for their livelihood. Situation of people participation in various development activities was found medium despite the abundance of educational manpower in the study area. The involvement in different NGO’s activities, which are nearly about 15 in numbers andother more about 3 credits and saving organization, are making significant roll for communitydevelopment with ensuring more and more people participation based. But, it was found thatmajority of people involvement on locally activities was for listen matter or to make formality. Furthermore, it was concluded that the people participation is motivated by the balanced representation, direct and nature of benefits and people fait towards leadership.Women participation in development was found mainly for saving and credit purpose whereas,male participant’s domain in all sectors i.e. problem identification, formulation, implementation and evaluation too.