Implementation of Training Skills for Professional Development of Teacher

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Department of English Educaion
This study entitled, "Implementation of Training Skills for the Professional Development of Teachers" aims to explore the implementation of training skills by secondary level English teachers. I have adopted the narrative inquiry as the research design. The study was based on primary and secondary sources of data. The primary sources were the three ELT teachers teaching at three different public schools of Kathmandu valley. I have collected data through interview and observation. The collected data were first viewed historically then analyzed thematically. The research shows that all the teachers under study were well-qualified, long experienced and certified with TPD training. However, they did not reflect the learnt training and techniques in real ELT classroom. When I observed the classes of teachers their classroom behaviour displayed that they could not prove themselves as they were trained teachers. The classroom practice of training was found poor mainly in lesson planning, construction and use of ELT materials. The sampled teachers were found reluctant to implement the learnt skills and knowledge in the ELT classrooms due to lack of sufficient resource materials, unfriendly school environment and weak supervision and monitoring mechanism. This thesis is organized into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction of the study along with the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of key terms. The second chapter contains the review of related literature, implications of the review of the study and conceptual framework. Similarly, the third chapter includes methods and procedures of the study. Likewise, the fourth chapter deals with the results and discussion of the data. Finally, chapter five comprises the conclusion, implications and recommendation in the policy related, practice related and further researches. At the end, the references and appendices are included.