Assertion of Motherhood in Manju Kapur’s Custody

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Department of English
he main objective of this research is to find out the sense of female manipulation and domination in patriarchal society through the analysis of female character Ishita by using the tool third world feminism.Ishita,the main character of this novel,who is divorced because of her infertility. It also attempts to dramatize theconsequences of divorce, alienation, identity crisis and uncertainties of matrimony in this novel.This research focuses as of divorce, broken marriage and remarriage in upper middle class of urban Indian families. The central female characters Ishita, a young Indian girl, who is compelled to divorce due to her infertility. Less sympathy from her mother in laws, rejection instead of love is portrayed in this novel.In his novel motherhood is an institution of of patriarchy that insures the control of women by their imprisonment of in domesticity. By observing it this research as an institution of motherhood in patriarchy, where she has to undergo through the stage of isolation, loss of individual identity and sense of alienation, torture.Therefore,Ishita’s journey is to assert her motherhood that is complicated by patriarchy.