Proficiency in Reading Comprehension of Grade Viii Students of Syangja District

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This thesis entitled 'Proficiency in Reading Comprehension of Grade VIII Students of Syangja District' is an effort to find out the reading proficiency of the students of grade VIII studying in various schools of Syangja district. It aims to identify the students' ability to comprehend written text and to compare their results on the basis of different variables like location, school, sex, text type and test item. The researcher selected eight government schools located in urban and rural area of the district to carry out the research. The sample population for the study was eighty students representing five boys and five girls from each of the selected schools. A test consisting of three types of reading texts, viz. seen, unseen and cloze was designed and administered to the students for collecting the data. The data obtained from the students through the test have been analyzed and interpreted using simple statistical tools such as average and percentage along with the help of tables and diagrams. The study shows that the overall reading proficiency of the students of Syangja district is 61.25% and comparatively, the proficiency in comprehending written texts is found higher in students of the schools located in rural area of the district than in the students of the schools located in urban area. This thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter One deals with general background of the study, review of the related literature, objectives and significance of the study. Chapter Two deals with the research methodology, data gathering procedures and limitations of the study. Chapter Three includes analysis and interpretation of the collected data. In this chapter various tables and diagrams have been used to analyze and interpret the data as clearly as possible. Chapter Four consists of major findings and recommendations on the basis of the analysis and interpretation of the collected data. Finally, Chapter Four is followed by the references and appendices.