Role of Women's Empowerment in Poverty reduction (A Case Study of khalanga VDC 3 of Darchula District, Nepal)

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Department of Rural Development
The study on the "Role of women's Empowerment in povertyReduction", a general study about the women's empowerment and its rolein poverty reduction, was conducted in Khalanga VDC 3 of Darchuladistrict. It presents the general status of women in the study area. The government and private sectors in Nepal have been engaged inrelentless promotion of Nepalese women's empowerment througheducation, training and various other programs and research since long,but still most of the women's social status seems awfully poor. Theirrepresentation in social, economic and political life has been minimal. Asa result, they are living in wretched condition. It is national scenario ofthe country whichseems in the study area too. Educational attainmentone of the most crucial factors of development, was not found satisfactoryin the study area. Among total respondents, only the 25 percentrespondents' educational status was found above SLC. Similarly, women'saccess on health services was also found poor. 64 percent respondents'replied that they have access on Health services. 6 On the other hand, most of the women of the study area were foundheavily engaged in agricultural and other household chores mostly ofunproductive works. The data reveals that women contribute more thanmen in household activities but these are not counted in monetary value.Women work 11 hours in an average in day in Nepal and the samescenario seems in the study area. The excessive workload has badlyaffected their daily life. In fact, It has created various types of obstaclesin the empowerment process of women. Women's access and control overresources was also found poor. The data shows that 60.71 percentrespondents replied that women have not personal assets such as land,bank balance, and cottage industry. Awareness about women's rights to reproduction was also notfound satisfactory in the study area. Among total respondents, still 42.85percent were found not properly aware about women's right toreproduction which is guaranteed by the interim constitution. On theother hand, one interesting fact was found that 46.42 percent respondentsexpress their view over the provision of women's right in parentalproperty that is does not solve the problems faced by women in asustainable way. The emphasized to provide better education andopportunities rather than parental property. Like wise, most of the peoplewere found positive about the increased involvement of women in politicswhich is a good sign of increased awareness. But the response aboutwomen's role in decision making was found awfully poor because amongtotal respondents 50 percent total decisions were made by male alonewhile the percent of female in the same work found only 21 percent. Itshows a real picture of male dominated society.