Transfer of Teacher Training in Teaching Speaking Skills

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled 'Transfer of Teacher Training in Teaching SpeakingSkills' aims at identifying and describing the teaching activities of trainedteachers in terms of motivation, presentation, practice, methods and techniquesand evaluation system of teaching and to analyze the transfer of training of trainedteachers in teaching speaking skills. The researcher collected data by observing theclassesof trained English teachers at government aided secondary schools ofSankhuwasava district by using non-random purposive sampling. This researchstudy shows that training is essential in teaching language especially speakingskills. It has played a significant role for the professional and personal quality.Trained teachers in most of the cases were found successful in transferring anumber of training skills to the classroom delivery. From my observation I havefound that the major barriers to the transfer of skills are teachers' inability totransfer the skills in the classroom delivery, teachers’ negative attitude towardsteaching profession, lack of physical facilities and some other inherent problems. This thesis has been divided into four main chapters and other sub-chapters.Chapter one consists of general background of the study. It tries to provide theinformation about teacher training. It also consists of review of related literature,objectives of the study and significance of the study. Chapter two deals withmethodology, i.e. how the research works was carried out. This study is based onboth primary and secondary sources of data. The primary sources of data for thisresearch were fifteen secondary level trained English teachers teaching at differentgovernment aided secondary schools of Sankhuwasava district. Chapter threeconsists of the analysis and interpretation of the collected data. The data werecollected thorough class observation of the trained teachers only. Chapter fourpresents findings and recommendations on the basis of analysis. Finally,references and appendices are also given. The appendix part includes the researchtools and other information.