Semantic Analysis of English Action Verbs and Chhathare Limbu Action Verbs

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Faculty of English Education
This is a research study entitled "Semantic Analysis of English and Limbu Action Verbs." This thesis attempts to identify the semantic relations between the English and Chhathare Limbu action verbs on the basis of semantic, overlaps, gaps, antonymy and super-ordinate and hyponyms and to compare and contrast the English and Chhathare Limbu verbs in terms of semantic equivalence to find out the similarities and differences. The tool of this study was the structured interview. The data were collected from primary and secondary sources. The native speakers and the researcher herself of Chhathar Rural Municipality of Teharthum district were the primary sources of data and different books, journals, papers, magazines dictionary of Limbu language and these were used as the secondary sources of data. The sample population was 20 native speakers of the Chhathare Limbu language. The researcher used the stratified random sampling procedures to sample the population. After the analysis and interpretation of data, it was found that some English and Chhathare verbs are semantically equivalent, some semantically inclusive and some others semantically overlapping. This thesis includes five chapters. Chapter one is the introductory part which comprises general background, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study and delimitations of the study. Chapter two includes the review of the theoretical and empirical literature, implication of the review of the study and theoretical/conceptual framework of the study. Chapter three includes methods and procedures of the study such as design method of the study, population, sample and sampling strategy, study area, data collection tools and techniques, data collection procedure and analysis and interpretation procedure and ethical considerations. Chapter four deals the analysis and interpretation of results and chapter five consists of findings and recommendations.