Techniques and Gaps in Translation of Cultural Terms: A Case of The Autobiography Binod Chaudhary

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Faculty of Education Engish
The research work entitled Techniques and Gaps in Translation of Cultural Terms: A Case of the Autobiography Binod Chaudhary is an attempt to deal with the techniques and gaps in translation of cultural terms used in the autobiography Binod Chaudhary. The main objectives of the study were to identify the Nepali cultural terms used in the autobiography Binod Chaudhary and their equivalents in English translation and to find out the techniques employed in the translation of Nepali cultural terms into English version and point out the gaps in translation process. The study was carried out by adopting the survey research design. The data were collected from the secondary sources only. Observation was the major tool for data collection. Hundred cultural terms were selected from the autobiography and the context of the respective terms was provided. The cultural terms were selected by adopting purposive non-random sampling strategy. The major finding of the study was that there was a use of six different techniques to translate the selected cultural terms. They are literal translation, transference, substitution, addition/elaboration, deletion and sense translation. Among them, literal translation was the mostly used technique i.e. 39% and sense translation was the least used technique i.e. 6% of the total frequency. Similarly, many of the gaps were caused by the transference technique of translation i.e. 40%. This study consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with background of the study, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definitions of the key terms. The second chapter deals with the review of theoretical and empirical literature, conceptual framework of the study and an overview of the autobiography Binod Chaudhary. Likewise, the third chapter deals with the methodology adopted for the study in which, design and method of the study, population, sample and sampling strategy of the study, research x tools, sources of data, data collection procedures and data analysis and interpretation procedures of the study and ethical considerations are discussed. The fourth chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the collected data descriptively and using simple statistical tool i.e. percentage. Similarly, the fifth chapter deals with the findings based on the analysis and interpretation of the data, conclusion derived from the findings and recommendations. This chapter is followed by reference and appendices.