Basic Lavel English Teacher's Perceptions Towards Continuous Assessment System

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Department of English
This study is on Basic Level English Teachers' Perceptions towards Continuous Assessment System. The main motive of this study was to find out the perceptions of basic level English teachers on continuous assessment system. The researcher selected the government schools of Sunsari District. Thirty basic level English teachers from 15 schools, two from each were selected using random sampling procedure. The study adopted a survey research design. The tool I used was questionnaire. The data collected from the teachers was compared, analyzed and interpreted to find out the perceptions, challenges and problems while implementing CAS. From this study, it was found that CAS is very effective for language learning. Continuous assessment is a part of the teaching learning process. The study also revealed that there is a lack of fair and strong assessment system in the school. Most of the teachers agreed that there is weaker relationship between the assessment and learning outcomes. The teachers agreed that CAS decreases the students’ class repetition rates. In addition, there is a lack of proper guidance, supervision and assessment related training, there is a lack of continuous and regular feedback. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter includes the background, statement of the problem, research questions, significance of the study, de-limitations of the study, operational definition of the key terms and the second chapter deals with the review of the theoretical literature, review of the related empirical literature and conceptual framework. The third chapter deals with the methods and procedure of the study adopted while conducting the research, population and sample sampling procedure, data collection tools, data collection procedure and data analysis and interpretation procedures. The fourth chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of results. The fifth chapter deals with conclusion and ethical consideration and recommendation. At the end, the references and appendices are included.