Knowledge and Attitudes on STIs and HIV/AIDs among Higher Secondary school Students (A Case Study Ofbanganga Highersecondary School,Gajehada,Kapilvastu)

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Department of population studies
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS are the majorchallenges for world health to emerge in 21 st century. The aids epidemic maybe the most devastating health disaster in human history. HIV/AIDS hasbecome major as well as critical public health issue particularly in Africafacing the worst effect of the epidemic. At least 45 million people are nowliving with HIV in the world. An estimated 5.1 million people were newlyinfected with HIV by the end of 2008. Among them 95 percent in Sub-SaharanAfrica,easternEurope and Asia. The study on “knowledge and Attitudes on STIs and HIV/AIDS amonghigher secondary school students in carried out by using Banganga Highersecondary school’s students in Gajehada Kapilvastu” has been primary datacollected from one higher secondary school of Gajehada VDC. The mainobjectives of the study are to evaluate the knowledge and perception about themodes of transmission and method of prevention of STIs and HIV/AIDS. Thesample size is 193 students of the selected Higher Secondary School andselected bycensus method. Outof the total sample size of 193students,88 areboys and 105are girls. They are from bothgrades eleven and twelve. The average age of respondents is16/17years and their average familysize is 5 to 10 members. About 21 percent respondent’s father’s haveeducational level of S.L.C passed, whereas the major occupation of therespondent’s parent’s (64.75% father and 90.64% mother) are engaged inagricultural occupation. The majority of the respondents (35.21%) areBrahmin, Chhetri and Tharu constitute second and third rank respectively.Majority of the respondents (76.64%) are unmarried. Almost respondents(97.92%) have heard about STIs.Allthe respondents (100%) stated that sexualcontact with infected person is the most important mode of transmission ofSTIs and all of the respondents reported that use of condom during sexualintercourse is the most important way of prevention from STIs. All of the respondents reported that they have heard about HIV/AIDSbecause of the electronic media and their curriculum also includes about HIV/AIDS. All of the respondents know the ways of transmission of HIV/AIDS issexual contacts. All of the respondents reported that the use of condom is themost important and effective method of prevention of HIV/AIDS. Most of therespondents (98.45%) reported that the commercial sexworkers are vulnerableto HIV/AIDS in the society. Majority of the respondentshave accepted AIDSinfected persons all of them die which is accounted for (75.65%).