Facilities And Practices Of Health Services In Government Schools

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Faculty Of Health Education
The present study entitled Practices and Facilities of School Health Services in Sundarharaincha Muncipality Government School has been conducted to point out the Appraisal, Preventive and Remedial aspects of School Health Services practices and facilities in government school. Sundarharaincha Muncipality was selected for the study purpose. The purposive and convenience sampling method were used to sample the respondent to collect essential data. Collected data were described by descriptive, qualitative and quantitative research design. According to the study, only 7% school have good playground, 81% schools don’t have appropriate ventilation and window,only 7% schools have good condition oftoilets and 76% have soap in toilet, 65% have appropriate furniture, 60.5% schoolsuse tap as sources of water but none of them purify water before drinking. About 51%schools have enough dustbin and only 51% schools sanitation is good, 81.5% schools use burning method to manage waste. About 35% schools do health observation, 14% do screening test and only 7% do health examination. Only 2% school have school clinic facilities, 7% have separate treatment room, 2% have health specialist, 14% schools conduct health campaign and only 21% have essential drugs. All schools provide knowledge about disease and safety measures but only 46.5% have used safety measures at school, only 28%follow up infected students, 84% have first aid facilities. All schools provide healthguidance and councelling facilities and refer to hospital in an emergency, only 37%schools have exceptional child but only 6.25% have separate room for exceptional child. The above fact shows that most of the school existing condition, appraisal aspects,preventive aspects and remedial aspects is poor. Due to this the students are facing different problem in health as well as in teaching learning activities. Hence it is very necessary to focus on school health services for betterment and all round development of students and future of country. Hence to overcome this situation government, local government as well as school administration should work on S.H.S and provide knowledge on it through different seminar, workshop and training to teachers and implement School Health Program effectively.