English language teaching through virtual classroom: Experiences and practices from secondary level

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Department of English Education
The thesis entitled English Language Teaching through Virtual Classroom: Experiences and Practices from Secondary Level was carried out to find out the existing situation of virtual classroom applied in English language teaching and both teachers’ and students’ experiences and practices of English language teaching through virtual classes at secondary level. To meet the objectives of the study, a quantitative research design was used. Purposive non-random sampling strategy was used to select needed participants. For the data collection, 20 students and 20 secondary teachers were selected. Respondents were provided with 20 closed ended questionnaires separately for teachers and students. To fulfill the objectives of the study, collected data were analyzed descriptively and thematically. The major finding that I found from this study was most of the participants participated on online teaching and learning sessions via zoom app and they had proper technological skills and knowledge to be a part of virtual classroom. Moreover, it was also found that most of the teachers used live online classes to run online classes. Use of teaching materials and assessment session were organized in the same way they do in traditional face to face classes. To sum up, going through the data it was found that virtual classes could be a good way of teaching in the place of face to face classes. This thesis consists of five different chapters. The first chapter deals with the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. Similarly, the second chapter includes review of related theoretical literature, review of related empirical literature, implications of the review for the study and conceptual framework. The third chapter covers all the areas of methodology; design and methods of study, populations, sample and sampling strategy, source of data, data collection tools and techniques, and procedures. Similarly, the fourth chapter presents the results, findings and discussion. Moreover, the fifth chapter includes conclusion, and policy and practice related recommendations for further research. Additionally, different research articles, journals, books; which had provided various information related to virtual classes and were used for theoretical and empirical literature review, are mentioned in the reference section and appendix is also included.