Knowledge on Stis and Hiv/Aids among Adolescents and Youth (A Study of Khalanga, V.D.C., Rukum)

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Department of Population Studies
STIs and HIV/AIDS is one of the major problems facing by most of the countries in the world. Spread of HIV/AIDS has more contributed to worsen STIs situation in developing countries. This study utilizes primary data collected from Khalanga V.D.C. Rukum in 2010. The Study includes adolescents and youth by using purposively selected. The main objectives of this study are to evaluate the Knowledge and perception about the modes of transmission and method of prevention of STIs and HIV/AIDS, particularly about the mode of transmission and method of prevention of STIs and HIV/AIDS. The relationship between modes of prevention of STIs and HIV/AIDS and socio-economic and demographic variables are examined by two ways analysis of the dependent and independent variables. The study Population from Khalanga V.D.C. Rukum is selected by purposive sampling method from selected respondents. Out of 115 respondents, 65 were from Male and 60 were from Female. According to this dissertation, majority of the respondent’s family were Illiterate and highly percent of the respondent family engaged in Students. Major occupation of the respondent family is daily wage workers and students. Fifty percent respondents were not any cultivate land and all respondents drinking pipeline water. Maximum respondents were Chettri also Dalit and Brahmin constitute second and third rank respectively. More number of the respondents reported that they had Knowledge STIs and HIV/AIDS. About ninety percent could report that sexual contact with STIs patient is the main way of transmission. Above seventy percent of the respondents had Knowledge about STIs and HIV/AIDS.