Obsessionfor Pleasure in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening

Limbu, Sandip
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Department of English
This research analyses“Obsession for Pleasure in Kate Chopin’s“The Awakening”from the perspective of Sigmund Freud structural model psyche. It exposes the behaviors of male and its impact on female psyche to create the obsession for pleasure in their mind and its consequences in the life of women.Obsession means to set the pleasure to get rid from obstacle of her life. She considers that behaviors of male haven’t shown to give female any kind of space in society which is succeeded to create several problems such as anxiety disorder, erotic, abnormality psyche, obsession, libido,self-center etc. Thus Edna convinces people to revolt against male dominated society for women’s rights.In the novel,mind of Edna is guided by Id which is pleasure principle component of the psyche and developed an Id as infants by her repressed desire to fight with Superego. It means Ego could not balance the pleasure seeking principle impulse in Edna. She does not care about other people and social norms, value and morality in order to obtain pleasure is main reason to end her life even if she has two children and husband. This research paper explores that a person can be mentally healthy when he or she balances Freud structural Id, Ego and Superego.This kind of situation did not appear in her life if she had considered about other as social norms, value and morality which help us to determine doing our action is right or wrong. Key Words:Morality, Libido, Obsession, Female Self, Pleasure, Anxiety disorder, Erotic, Abnormality psyche, Id, Ego, Superego