Role of Classroom Observation Technique in Teachers’ Development

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Department of English Education
This research study entitled “roles of Classroom Observation Technique in Teachers’ Development” aimed at identifying actual Roles, ideas, and nature of feedback from the observation given by the master teachers and supervisors.The researcher collected the data both form primary and secondary sources.The researcher selected the twenty government aided schools located in Salyan district. Forty English teachers teaching at lower secondary level were selected for the observation through checklist. The researcher followed the qualitative approach for the in-depth study to find out the actual situation of English classroom and teaching ways of teachers. Hence, analysis and interpretation of data is done through the process of content analysis but quantification is also done to the frequent activities of teachers.This concludes that classroom observation is that strong means of feedback through which teachers’professional development is possible. It has considered that class observation has great influence in improving the week classroom teaching.It functions asmini-training for the teachers. While observing their classes it was found that large number of teachers was unsuccessful to do theRoleive teaching at while teaching stage as they had no idea to make the students participate, to use student centered method and to use authentic material. But after giving them feedback and motivation this rate was decreased.This research work encompasses four chapters. The first chapter deals with introduction which comprises background of study, review of related literature,objectives and significance of the study. The second part deals with the methodology section, main governing part of research. It includes the methodological considerations which reveals direction and builds the ground for the study, sources of data, tools for data, data collection procedures and limitation of study. Similarly, third chapter includes the analysis and interpretation of the data. The available data from the different sources and tools were analyzed and interpreted under the separate headings. Then, findings were deduced. The forth chapter presents the finding and recommendations.The final section ends with references and appendices used in the research.