Techniques Used for Teaching Abstract Nouns

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Department of English
This study entitled "Techniques Used for Teaching Abstract Nouns" has been carried out to find out techniques used for teaching abstract nounsand to identify the problems.I used all the lower secondary school teachers of Syangja district as the population in this study.I selected thirty teachers as the sample by using random sampling procedures. I used aset of questionnaire,interview and classroom observation checklist as the tools to collect to the data.The collected data were analyzed and interpreted both quantitatively and qualitatively. It was found that ostensive, audio and linguistic techniques wereused but could not make clear concept on abstract vocabulary due to intangible concept.After this study it was also found that the problem arose due to misinterpretation, misunderstanding and ignorance in learning. This study has been incorporated in five different chapters.The first chapter deals with background of study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitation of the study and the operational definitions of the key terms. The second chapter deals withthe review of related theoretical literature, empirical literature and conceptual framework. Similarly, third chapter consists of design of the study, populationsample and sampling strategy, study area, data collection tools, data collection procedure and data analysis and interpretation procedure. Forth chapter deals with analysis and interpretation of results. In the same way, fifth chapter presents conclusion and recommendations.