School Library, its use and Practice: A Study on Three Public School Libraries of Kathmandu District

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Department of Library and Information Science
This thesis entitled “School library, its use and practice: a study on three public school libraries of Kathmandu district” has showed the true situation of Nepalese public school libraries on practices resources. The main purpose of this study has identified the status and utilization of school libraries. The target of the researcher has learned out the problems encountered by the school library users and gather ideas regarding their needs, and their attitudes towards the resources, services, management and practices of the school libraries. For these, the most popular three public school libraries i.e. Padama Kanaya Secondary School (PKSS), Padmodya Secondary School (PSS) and Shahid Sukra Secondary School (SSSS) have selected, and a field survey has done to collect responses from each library. The analysis of this study includes 50 respondents of three different public schools. The questionnaires were distributed to the students of the related schools when the researcher visited school libraries. The total population of this study were 70 users. Among the respondents, 15 (30%) respondents belong to PKSS, 21 (42%) respondents has belonged to SSSS. Similarly, 14(28%) respondents belonged to PSS Library. According to the findings of the research, larger numbers of students (74%) do not become member of their school library. There is no systematic library in their school. Though they have libraries in their school, card system is not practicing. Most of the students go to library to consult reference books whereas 8% of them visit library to enjoy with library materials. 12 % of students go to library to borrow textbooks. From this, the main purposes of the students’ library visit have seemed to be for consulting reference books and to participate in other recreational activities. It has found that 36% students use reference section and activities section. It has found that the majority of the students (70 %) are satisfied with the opening hour of the library. But only a small number of (30 %) of students have seemed to be dissatisfied with the present opening hour of the library. Larger number of students’ i.e.60 % use other libraries, personal books and recreations where as 40 % of students do not use other libraries except their students' library. The majority of students (62%) have reported that they do not get document on time due to the inadequate collection of the library whereas 38 % of students mentioned that they have got document on time. It has found that the majority of the students (60 %) do not get all the relevance information whereas 40 % of students have satisfied with the information available in the library. Majority of students have satisfied with the cooperation they receive from the library staff. 64 % of the respondents answered in positive when they have asked whether the librarian help to them. Only 36 % of them are not satisfied with the cooperation of library staff. Regarding the knowledge about library catalogue, the majority of the students (72 %) have found unknown about the library catalogue, whereas 28 % of them have known little about the catalogue. Most of the students (76 %) have found to be capable of searching information in the library themselves, where as 24 % responded that they search information with the help of library staff. Despite having a lot of difficulties schools have found positive to establish and run a library in their school. School communities have been trying to overcome with their problem and provide students to give the opportunity to use a library. Some of the schools have managed either a library or a reading center. Students as well as staffs were found using it regularly. Books have mainly circulated and newspaper reading was done by senior grade students, teachers and staff. Junior students were expanding knowledge through general knowledge book and getting entertainment through picture books. Although the school community with library/reading room facilities were having such benefit, but still all of the schools were underprivileged of it. Absence of library in school was a big disadvantage for the students as well as teachers. Regular library period could give a chance to be familiar with new information and knowledge. Students who did not have extra time could get benefit from the library where the school administrations separated time for the library purpose. Therefore, the libraries need to address all such shortcomings to improve their existing conditions and enhance positive attitude of the library users.
School libraries, Education system