Classroom practices of teachers with TPD training

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Department of English Education
The present thesis entitled "Classroom Practices of Teachers with TPD Training" has been conducted to find out the practices of TPD trained teacher in teaching language skills, classroom teaching activities, use of teaching materials and teachers' professional development. The study followed survey research design. The data were collected from primary sources. For this research, I selected thirty classrooms as sample in which I selected fiveteachers with their six classes. I used the purposive non-random sampling procedure to select the data. The tool for data collection was observation. The major finding of the study was that most of the teachers were not implementing the training skills and knowledge what they have acquired. Majority of the teachers were not using the audio-video materials and projector tools as ICT in teaching the English classes. Similarly, the lesson plans were not theappropriate with text book, curriculum, students' interests and level. The study is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is introductory part. It includes background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the studyand operational definitions of key terms. The second chapter deals with review of related literature and conceptual framework. The third chapter includes research design, population, sample and sampling strategy, study area, data collection tools and techniques, data collection procedure. The fourth chapter includes analysis of data and interpretation of results and summary and findings.In this section, both simple statistical and descriptive approach are used. The fifth chapter includes conclusion and recommendations. The reference and appendices are included at the concluding part of this thesis.