Genocidal Violence in Ishmael BeahA Long Way Gone

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Department of English
This thesis analyzes genocidal violence and traumain Ishmael Beah’sALong Way Goneandfurtherexploresthe way genocidal violence becomes the main reason of a person’s traumatic sufferings.The researcher investigatesa life of child soldier who is victim and the perpetrator at the same time.This paper is all aboutcapturing thetraumatic experiences of Beahwhich isthe result of war and genocidal violence and the way he deals with the trauma to cope up.Theresearch paper explores genocidal violence and trauma in relating to one another.To support the research claim, theresearcherborrowstrauma theoryforwarded by DominickLaCapraand Cathy Caruth.This paper works under LaCarpa’s denial, acting out andworking through in order to describe Ishmael Beah’s traumatic experiences. Keywords:War,Genocide, Trauma,History, Child Soldier, Memoir