Conflict Resolution in Natural Resource management:A Case Study of Forest of Panchkhal Vdc in Kavre District

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Department of Rural Development
epal is rich in bio diversity including flora and fauna. Natural resources (NR)are the major component for the visualisation of its beauty even by the developedcountries. Nepal's position on biodiversity is 25th and 11th among countries in the worldand Asian continent, respectively. In such a condition, NRs are the major assets andornaments of the country. Therefore, its management process should be strong. Amongthe NRs, forest resources are special. The majority of the Nepalese people are survivingwith the help of forest resources. Forest is an important renewable NRs, whichcontributes is highly to the economic development of the country by providing a variety ofgoods and services. People use forests for many purposes such as fuel wood, fodder,timber,green grass, litter and minor forest products such as fruits, nuts, medicine, andothers. The forest resources have undoubtedly been utilized to satisfy the subsistenceneed of local people for a along time. Sustainable utilization of NR will be an effectiveway to reduce poverty. Although different schemes were adopted in the country for thesustainable forest management (FM) they could not achieve fruitful outcome and thus thepeople are facing various conflicts in NR used. Conflict over NR is developed not by onesingle factor but rather it caused by many others. Conflict usually brings positive results if it is properly handled .In Nepal forestmanagement (FM) system is facing an increasing number of disputes and conflictsinfected by the use of forest products, their distribution and management process. This research tries to analyse the causes of conflict, ways to conflicts, resolve andthe sound management strategy for NRs around Panchkhal in Kavre district. The aim ofthis research is to give a short description of sustainable forest management (SFM)scheme. For this purpose Panchkhal of Kavre district was selected purposively.Descriptive and exploratory methods of data analysis are used in this research. Mainlyprimarily and secondary data areused focusing on qualitative as well as quantitativeaspects. Stratified sampling method was used to determine the sample for the study. Forthe data analysis simple statistical method like tabulation, percentages diagram, pi-cartwere used where necessary. The study area was very heterogeneous in terms of caste/ethnic composition.About 48 percent of the sampled population is economically active. All HHs used fuelwood as the source of energy for cooking. The contribution of forest resources to the v localrespondents was in the form of firewood, green grass, fodder, timber, litter and rowmaterials for small-scale cottage industries. There may be different causes of conflict in NRs. In the study area the causes ofconflict were: lack of basic needs, boundary encroachment, racial discrimination, poorpeople's participation, poor decision-making process, lack of adoption of the rules andregulation by forest user groups (FUGs) and forest user group committee (FUGC),poverty dominant role of local elites andothers. In case of forest resources user groupare the main actors arousing the conflict themselves and also are candidates to solvethose problems. The effective ways of resolving conflict in NRs are found to be:demarcation of boundary, reasonable use of fund, general policy implicationsnegotiation, mediation, conciliation facilitation, consensus, information, optimumallocation of resources and benefit, poverty reduction and fulfil the basic needs.